Larissa+Travis | Cinematic Highlights | Oahu, HI

Larissa+Travis | Oahu, HI from Michael J. Scott Productions

“Today you receive the greatest gift you can possibly receive from another human being, because today you give the greatest gift that you have; and what that is, it is your heart.”

What better place to declare one’s love for another than Hawaii? A romantic, island paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Joining Travis and Larissa and their families on this journey to the beautiful island of Oahu was one I had been eagerly looking forward to. In our initial consultation, I learned how they both love movies and placed great importance on their eventual wedding film. Travis actually proposed to Larissa in a movie theatre with a surprise video that came up on screen asking her to marry him! If that’s not enough for you, you can tell how much of a romantic he is by the incredible message he wrote to Larissa for their wedding day.

Of course, with the ups, there inevitably must also come the downs. Travis, unfortunately, lost his father just months before the wedding. Undoubtedly, everyone wishes his father could have made the trip, but he did pass along some wisdom that I believe will stay with both Travis and Larissa for the rest of their lives; “This was the best day of my life, and it will be the best day of yours.” What a powerful reminder, to cherish those fleeting moments with one another, special or seemingly insignificant. It is our hope that Travis and Larissa will be able to relive the memories made during their week in Oahu where they took the next step in their relationship as husband and wife! Congrats you two!


Photography – Ally Papko Photography